March 07, 2013

Art in the Home

Megan Bogonovich's small sculpture packs a punch on our table

Darryl Berger's King with his Bird greets our guests in our  breezeway

Penelope Dullahan's beautiful work just sings in our dining room

Original art plays a big role in our home. Not surprising really in the home of two artists and a student artist. Interestingly enough though it is other artist's work which is most prominent in our home right now. I move things around a lot and rotate different work in and out of the rooms, but it's always original art that moves us.  Here are a few shots of different work that we have in our home - note that it always doesn't go with the couch but it somehow belongs. And, inspires us every day. What inspires you in your home?
Eve Corey's painting of provence in our entryway light

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